Dynamic Arrays

lib/array.h and lib/array-decl.h describes Dovecot’s type-safe dynamic arrays. Trying to add wrong typed elements gives a compiler warning.


Arrays can be declared in two ways:

  1. Directly:

    ARRAY(int) numbers;
    ARRAY(struct foo) foos;
  2. Via predefined type:

    ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(foo, struct foo);
    ARRAY_TYPE(foo) foos;

The main reason to define a type for an array is to be able to pass the array as a function parameter, like:

void func(ARRAY_TYPE(foo) *foos) { .. }

Trying to do the same with ARRAY() will generate a compiler warning about type mismatch. lib/array-decl.h defines several commonly used types.


Arrays are typically initialized by calling i_array_init(), p_array_init() or t_array_init() depending on where you want to allocate the memory from. Arrays are internally handled as buffers, so the initial size is just multiplied by element size and passed to buffer_create_dynamic().


ARRAY(struct foo *) foo;

i_array_init(&foo, 32); /* initialize array with 32 elements until it needs to be grown */

Arrays can be freed with array_free(), but this isn’t necessary if the memory gets freed by other means (i.e. it was allocated from alloconly-pool or data stack).


array_push_back(array, data)

Append one element to the end of the array.

array_push_front(array, data)

Prepend one element to the beginning of the array.

array_append(array, data, count)

Append multiple elements to the end of the array.


Append a zero-filled element to the end of the array.

array_append_array(dest, src)

Append src array to the end of the dest array.

array_copy(dest, dest_idx, src, src_idx, count)

Copy (overwrite) a slice of the src array over the dest array.

array_insert(array, idx, data, count)

Insert element at the specified index (0 = first)

array_idx_set(array, idx, data)

Replace data at the specified index. If index points after the end of the array, the other newly added elements are zero-filled.

array_idx_clear(array, idx)

Zero-fill the data at the specified index. If index points after the end of the array, the other newly added elements are zero-filled.

array_delete(array, idx, count)

Delete the specified slice of the array.


Delete the last element of the array.


Delete the first element of the array.


Delete all elements in the array.


Usually array is read by going through all of its elements. This can be done by returning all the elements:

unsigned int count;

const struct foo *foo = array_get(&array, &count);
struct foo *foo = array_get_modifiable(&array, &count);

or the array can also be iterated easily:

const struct foo *foo;
array_foreach(&foo_array, foo) {
  /* foo changes in each iteration */

struct foo *foo;
array_foreach_modifiable(&foo_array, foo) {

The _modifiable() versions return a non-const pointer.

Arrays that are pointers-to-pointers can be iterated like:

ARRAY(struct foo *) foo_array;
struct foo *const *foop;
array_foreach(&foo_array, foop) {
  struct foo *foo = foop;

Or more simply using array_foreach_elem():

ARRAY(struct foo *) foo_array;
struct foo *foo;
array_foreach_elem(&foo_array, foo) {

Note that deleting an element while iterating will cause the iteration to skip over the next element. So deleting a single element and breaking out of the loop is fine, but continuing the loop is likely a bug. Use instead:

array_foreach_reverse(&foo_array, foo) {
  if (want_delete(foo))
    array_delete(&foo_array, array_foreach_idx(&foo_array, foo), 1);

There’s also an equivalent array_foreach_reverse_modifiable().

It’s a bug to attempt to use the read functions before the array is initialized. Use array_is_created() to check if it’s initialized.

There are also other functions for reading:

array_idx(array, idx)

Return a const pointer to the specified index. Assert-crashes if the index doesn’t already exist.


Return a const pointer to the first element in the array. Assert-crashes if the array is empty.


Return a const pointer to the last element in the array. Assert-crashes if the array is empty.


Return the number of elements in an array.


Return TRUE if array has zero elements.


Return TRUE if array has more than zero elements.

There are also array_idx_elem() and array_foreach_elem() to access arrays of pointers more easily. They work by making a copy of the dereferenced pointer. For example:

ARRAY(const char *) strings;

// array_idx() requires dereferencing:
const char *const *strp = array_idx(&strings, idx);
printf("%s\n", *strp);
// array_idx_elem() dereferences already:
printf("%s\n", array_idx_elem(&strings, idx));

// array_foreach() requires dereferencing:
const char *const *strp;
array_foreach(&strings, strp)
  printf("%s\n", *strp);
// array_foreach_elem() dereferences already:
const char *str;
array_foreach_elem(&strings, str)
  printf("%s\n", str);

Unsafe Read/Write

Functions below have similar problems to [[Design/Buffer|buffer]’s *_unsafe() functions. Memory returned by them must not be accessed after calls to other array_*() modifying functions, because they may reallocate the array elsewhere in memory.


Append a new element into the array and return a writable pointer to it.

array_insert_space(array, idx)

Insert a new element into the array and return a writable pointer to it.

array_idx_get_space(array, idx)

Return a writable pointer to the specified index in the array. If index points after the end of the array, the newly added elements are zero-filled.

array_get_modifiable(array, &count)

Return a non-const pointer to all the elements in the array and the number of elements in the array.

array_idx_modifiable(array, idx)

Return a non-const pointer to the specified index. Assert-crashes if the index doesn’t already exist. See also array_idx_get_space().


Return a non-const pointer to the first element in the array. Assert-crashes if the array is empty.


Return a non-const pointer to the last element in the array. Assert-crashes if the array is empty.


array_cmp(array1, array2)

Return TRUE if the arrays contain exactly the same content.


Reverse all elements in the array.

array_sort(array, cmp_func)

Type-safe wrapper for qsort(). The parameters in the cmp_func should be the same type as the array instead of const void *.

array_bsearch(array, key, cmp_func)

Type-safe wrapper for bsearch(), similar to array_sort().

array_equal_fn(array1, array2, cmp_func)

Return TRUE if arrays are equal. Each element in the array is compared with the cmp_func.

array_equal_fn_ctx(array1, array2, cmp_func, context) -

Like array_equal_fn(), except cmp_func has a context parameter.

array_lsearch(array, key, cmp_func)

Returns a const pointer to the first element where cmp_func(key, element)==0.

array_lsearch_modifiable(array, key, cmp_func)

Returns a non-const pointer to the first element where cmp_func(key, element)==0.